Slave Lake Camping
I spent the past few weeks in direct contact with Nature camping at Lesser Slave Lake in Northern Alberta, Canada. It is one of my favourite places to go where I can connect with myself and others on a deeper level. It is a time and a place where I can do energy work with ease.

Being close to nature is in and of itself healing. I especially like the water for its healing qualities. Water symbolism is varied depending on what healing practices you study, from the going into the subconscious, to purification, to higher wisdom, to transformation etc.

Many find peace and contentment when they are in nature and out of the big city. For me, the healing power of Reiki is enhanced when I am on the beach inland or on the coast.

I have learned a number of healing energy practices over the years and Reiki is my go to modality.

Reiki stimulates the body’s natural healing processes. This Complimentary Therapy works on all levels; mind, body, and spirit. It is considered to be one of the most simple and  spiritual practices. Once attuned, you can do Reiki on yourself or on others for life.

For more information on Reiki see my blog